The project consisted of a single site located in the North Central Neighborhood. Eight existing two- and three-story brick buildings, including underground utilities, parking lots, and plaza areas were demolished making way for new construction. Construction included nine distinct types of dwelling units, totaling fifty new units in six three-story apartment buildings, including twenty-six two-story and three-story townhouses. The residential building structure is wood frame, with standard brick veneer and metal panels on street facing facades. Tenant units are LEED for Homes Certified and have received Enterprise Green Communities Certification. All units have high-efficiency HVAC units and hot water heaters, and Energy Star-rated light and plumbing fixtures and appliances. The goal of the Community Center was to achieve LEED Silver Certification; Gold was achieved. The project qualified for low-income tax credit funding.
North Central Phase III
Project Owner
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia, PA
Sq. Ft.
Leed Gold

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